
2 Year Undergraduate Licentiate in Tui Na
Each module on our course is assessed in the manner most relevant to the material being taught.
Subjects such as Anatomical and Energetic Structures (AES) will teach you all you need to know about anatomy, point location (how you find acupuncture points on the body), and how the individual acupoints can be used. As these are a mixture of practical and theoretical skills, they are assessed with both practical and written exams.
The Personal and Practitioner Development (PPD) modules are by definition about development, and are assessed with reflective essays, presentations and discussions across the three years of the programme.
When you study Chinese Medicine Practice (CMP) you will be learning how to diagnose using different methods, so some CMP assessments are traditional written exams, whilst others might utilise video technology or be assessed by portfolios complied throughout your training.
Tui Na specific assessments include a Practical/ Oral exam on your Tui Na techniques, a reflective learning diary, a written case study and continuous assessment of your performance in the teaching clinic.
The City College of Acupuncture programme is structured in such a way that different assessments are due at different times, enabling you to schedule and pace your work across the semesters.
If you fail an assignment or exam then you are allowed to resubmit or resit the assessment. If you fail a second time then you will be required to repeat the module you have failed at your own expense. This may or may not affect the speed of your progress through the course.
Our Two Year Licentiate in Tui Na course is assessed at levels four and five.
1 Year Licentiate in Tui Na for Acupuncturists and QualifiedTCM Practitioners
Tui Na assessments include a Practical/ Oral exam on your Tui Na techniques, a reflective learning diary, a written case study and continuous assessment of your performance in the teaching clinic.
Our One Year Licentiate in Tui Na course is assessed at level five.
Ready to take on a new challenge and learn new skills?
Call us on 020 7253 1133 or drop us an email at